The Absence of Movement, solo show on Artsy with Mutton Dressed as Lamb Art Consultancy

June 8, 2021

To view click here

The exhibition comprises eight photographs and two sculptures. All works explore the tension that exists in stasis, the singular moment, seemingly impossible, when after a painstakingly laborious process, a problem is instantaneously solved. Osk explores these ideas through materials that are themselves transient and unpredictable like wax, jello – even sugar.

The works are deliberately placed in precarious positions or on the verge of falling, breaking or transforming – creating a feeling of anticipation – as if movement, change, or even destruction is about to happen. And yet they stand still. The anticipation of contingency. It is this essence of stillness, the ephemeral moment, that Osk captures in her photographs. Within this perpetual precarity the viewer discovers a feeling of serenity.

The feeling of stillness is further captured in Osk’s sculptures as they are tested and stretched to their limits. The extended springs holding the work together dig into the wax challenging the integrity of the structure, as once again we witness this tension in status, this moment when change is inevitable.